but I am so delightful. :) Michaels opened this morning. How excited was I!! I have been planning this trip for MONTHS and am so happy that the day had finally arrived. I was a bit late getting there BUT I got there in time. No, not before closing, before the coupons expired. I could hear everyone talking about coupons so I cornered at lady at the cash and asked. Apparently if you checked out before 2pm you would get 25% off your ENTIRE order. AWESOME! I saved lots of money by doing that. Thats a good thing too because holy mother of pearl most of that stuff is expensive. I knew that the prices were going to be up there but not nearly as high as they were. There were some good deals though. Of course by now you are wondering, well, what did you BUY!
I bought:
scrapbook paper (surprise)
a whole bunch of brushes/sponges
five bottles of paint (acrylic) in super pretty colors
watercolor pencils and paper
plastic tray for my paints
canvas tote bag
set of floral/swirly stencils
MM cheeky jigsaw shapes
a journal
notepad with pen for my purse
graphite paper (Sean actually bought this for me)
tin (I only bought it because it was cute and have no actual use for it)
and a little wooden train kit for Connor.
Sean bought himself some 'nibs' for sketching (???) and a set of calligraphy pens. (EXPENSIVE!!!)
I also grabbed myself some Gesso (sp?) and some canvas boards to paint. There is this wonderfully cheerful lady on the net who is going to be the death of my bank account. Her name is
Donna Downey. I recently 'discovered' her and her blog. I LOVE HER! My wallet doesnt. I bought all this stuff because she has just inspired me SO MUCH! I have to try to paint. I will most likely fail miserably because I am not good in that dept but I HAD to try.
My garbage window is coming along nicely. SO far. I have scrapped all the putty (??) off of the frame, taken out the glass and sanded it down. All of the dirty work is pretty much done so I can start having fun! :) I am hoping to have it all completed within the week. Fingers crossed. Only problem is that the weather is HORRIBLE and I cannot get outside to finish the painting. I dont generally like to paint large things in my apartment. Ah well....other addictions to tackle anyway.
CONNOR! My poor baby has gone through so much in the last week. We took him to the hospital yesterday and they believe that he is suffering from migraines. This is horrible, esp since he is only five. Poor thing. So now he has to watch his diet and see what the triggers are. Also going to see a neurologist so hopefully they will be able to come up with a good plan for us to follow. We were at the hospital for just around 4 hours, give or take a few minutes, so we had LOTS of time to talk. We played I Spy, interviewed each other, made friends and of course, played with the camera. Though he couldnt even walk, he was in great spirits.
Credit, Grainy Day Photo PS Action in Sepia, available at NDSIB.COM.I am going to play now. :)
I finished my first ever painting! :) I know its not super hot or anything but its my FIRST ONE! lol More to come, I am positive. ;)

**another update**
I just did a SUPER quick watercolor. Never did that before either. I used those cute water color pencils. Anyway, the photo would lead one to believe that my painting is way cooler then it really is. lol ;) I did this for Sean.