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Tuesday, June 3, 2008

I am a slacker. I know!

This morning when I opened my inbox I had the funniest comment from Melly! (See my last post comments) I know I have been slacking on my blogging lately. Life has been....aggravating. Did you ever have a moment where you thought that moving to a foreign country, changing your name to Annabelle and pretending you were a princess was a good idea? ME TOO! Anyway, lots has been going on! People home from away, normal family drama, friends popping up everywhere, its crazy how busy we have been. Plus I have something extra on the go that I am trying to prepare for! I will share that soon! I am REALLY hoping to get a good response so you will see me around a LOT. :) What has happened?
I am down to 178lbs! Go me. So that's what? Four pounds in two weeks. That's not too shabby. Especially since I have done very little of anything. Have to boost my motivation.
I have a new kit in the store! Its called Southern Comfort!

The ladies at the Guild have been busy busy busy creating beautiful layouts with it this week. Each and everyone of them is GORGEOUS! Here is a sampling!
CT Member ScrapMel

CT Member Amson

CT Member Ina

So much more going on! I wrote an article for the Artisan Notebook this month. A tutorial on taking reflective self portraits. Lots of people have been asking for a long time for me to do just that so now you have it! Go ahead, take some of your own! Upload them to the Guild gallery and post a link in this thread so we can show you some love! Here are some of the examples from the article.
Grungy Reflections
Know what else I have been up too? SCRAPPING my buns off! The new Guild kit is out, Bohemian Bling and let me tell you, its AMAZING! I love it! My layouts! Most people would say that it was a girl's kit but its SO VERSATILE! Look I made a layout of my son, my new avatar and a landscape!

I am making up for not blogging for a week! I have lots more but we will wait until tomorrow. Have a great Tuesday!


movefearlessly said...

lovely layouts! i always go a little nuts when family's around - good luck.

Michelle said...

great layouts. It sounds like you have been busy.

Anonymous said...

pretty layouts

Tammy said...

Lovely layouts and you have been Busy!!! And I know what you mean about life kicking you sometimes. I let it kick me, rub my bottom, learn from it and go from there. Hang in their girl.

Beth said...

Thanks for sharing all the layouts . . they are inspiring!

Anonymous said...

Fabulous layouts and what a great new kit! Wonderful news about the 4 lbs, I am slowing losing some weight, too! Congrats!